Townsville Wedding Flowers & Design

Aitkenvale, Queensland, Australia | Florists


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We are a full service florist business that offers fresh flower designs for all occasions, not just weddings.Townsville wedding flowers and designs make beautiful fresh flower arrangements for all occasions we can add a cute little teddy, lovely boxed chocolates or helium balloons to add to the surprise of your loved ones receiving their gift of flowers, we can also arrange artificial flowers for your home or plants for the office no matter what the occasion you will be happy with your purchase.Specialising in all Areas of FloristryWe specialise in all areas of floristry from just a simple gift wrapped single flower to an elaborate happy anniversary gift of roses, gourmet hampers for Christmas time and well done to your newly promoted colleague.We Accept Phone Orders Throughout AustraliaOrganising flowers is easy as we accept phone orders throughout Australia or you can pop in on your way home and pick from our large selection of premade and loose flowers in store.Over 17 Years ExperienceNot many florists in Townsville are qualified florists, but rest assured that Danielle the owner florist behind Townsville wedding flowers and designs is with over 17 years experience and this is what helps put her ahead of the rest.


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