Stephen Baggs Funeral Directors

Bairnsdale, Victoria, Australia | Funeral Services


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Our funeral home is conveniently located on the Princes Highway at 613 Main Street Bairnsdale. We have a huge off street parking area behind the chapel with an additional entry - exit behind the funeral home (via Mill Street).When we plan a prepaid funeral service, we arrange it in the same way we would arrange a funeral service that is required today. We explain all your choices and discuss with you fully what you would like to have included in your funeral service.The chapel{s wide screen video projector displays an exceptional three metre by one and a half metre image. The system supports a wide range of video formats, DVD, and high definition Bluray Disc.We have seating capacity in the chapel for approximately 200 people and we can accomodate standing in the chapel. The chapel boasts a state of the art public address and audio system giving crystal clear sound reproduction throughout the chapel, foyer and entrance areas.


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