The Bouquet Florist

Burnie, Tasmania, Australia | Florists


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Bouquet Florist offers quality reliability and service with all your floral requirements.The Bouquet florist offers the freshest and the best quality blooms. With our 30 years serving the people of Burnie and surrounding areas we know your requirements .We employ and train local talented staff to take care of your orders.Jill and Neville Quirk have built their reputation on quality and reliability with good old fashion service. We Take Pride in Serving you.The Bouquet Florist specialises in beautiful bridal flowers for brides and attendants. Ask about our free wedding information.The Bouquet Florist offers years of knowledge, reliability and service , we know our business and clients requirements.We only have qualified staff. Certificate IV and Certificate 3 in Floristry.Reliable friendly and talented designers.Efficient delivery service. Air conditioned van and we use our own vehicle Driver with 20 years delivering experience.We stock only the freshest and the best quality blooms.


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