Deakin & Community Childcare Co-op

Burwood, Victoria, Australia | Childcare


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We are a not-for-profit, community based, long day care service which is independent of Deakin University.DACCC is a "not-for-profit," independent community based childcare centre, situated on Deakin University{s Melbourne campus. We are a 60 place centre offering childcare places for staff and students of Deakin University and families from the community.Our StaffWe have a highly skilled & dedicated staff team that is committed to providing quality care for you & your child. Staff are actively supported & encouraged to extend their professional development through in-service training. Our team consists of 26 staff, 17 qualified. The investment we have placed on training is evident in the quality of the service we provide to families. We provide:Professional, qualified & experienced staffGovernment funded 4 year old Kindergarten programSun Smart CentreEnrolmentWhen a vacancy arises, you will be contacted and invited to visit the centre to confirm your place. During this visit you will be given all appropriate paperwork to complete and our reference number for Child Care Benefit. Orientation visits are also organised at this visit.Waiting ListFamilies are welcome to make an appointment to visit the centre and complete a waiting list form. During the visit you will be able to meet the Co-ordinator, view the playrooms and ask any questions regarding care arrangements. Priority is given to staff and students of Deakin University in accordance with the guidelines set down by the Department of Education & Early Childhood Development Children & Youth Services. It is recommended to register 12 months prior to care being required.


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