Claremont Optical | Optometrist Perth | Optician
Claremont, Western Australia, Australia | Doctor Optometrist

A provider of professional and personalised eye-care using only the latest medical testing equipmentShowcasing International Eyewear – Tag Heuer, Tiffany & Co, Dior, Marc Jacobs, BVLGARI, Oliver Peoples, Gucci, Cartier, Face a Face, Prodesign, Oliver Goldsmith, Swarovski, Roberto CavalliFREE Retinal ImagingOur Digital Retinal Camera allows us to take a high resolution image of the back of your eye. This technology is especially valuable in detecting and monitoring slow developing, sight threatening conditions such as Glaucoma and Macular Degeneration and the eye related effects of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.Corneal TopographyIntegral in a practice so heavily involved with contact lenses, the corneal topographer is used to map the shape of the cornea. This technology provides a three dimensional representation of a patient{s eye. Corneal topography is also used extensively to monitor degenerative diseases of the cornea such as KeratoconusVisual FieldThis equipment is the latest development in the area of Glaucoma management. In the early stages of Glaucoma, most people are unaware that they are developing the condition. By enabling early detection of visual field defects, this highly detailed assessment method improves the success of treatment in Glaucoma to prevent eyesight loss