Diagnostic Endoscopy Centre St Vincent's Clinic
Darlinghurst, New South Wales, Australia | Health Care Products, Services

We would like to make your visit with us as comfortable as possible. Your health and well-being are our primary concern.The Diagnostic Endoscopy Centre was established in 1990 with the sole purpose of providing high quality health care in endoscopy. Our commitment continues to strengthen and this is reinforced by our on-going accreditation status with the Australian Council of Healthcare Standards ensuring we achieve the highest possible standard in health care and quality.The services we offer are: Gastroscopy Colonoscopy Oesophageal dilatation ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography) Liver biopsy Insertion of oesophageal stents Argon Plasma Coagulation Haemorrhoid banding Percutaneous Endoscopy Gastrostomy Placement (PEG) Tertiary referrals available on campus are: Capsule Endoscopy Oesophageal motility Endoscopic Ultrasound Oesophageal pH monitoring Brave pH monitoring Anorectal manometry The Diagnostic Endoscopy Centre is an open access facility which means the majority of patients can book in for treatment without first having a consultation with the gastroenterologist. There are some exceptions to this rule (ERCP and liver biopsy) to ensure patients have the necessary pre-procedure test performed.