Burgun & Brennan Optometrists

Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia | Doctor Optometrist


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Optometrist, glasses, sunglasses, contact lenses, eye tests, glaucoma.Burgun & Brennan Optometrists are committed to providing exceptional patient care both at their practice in Dubbo and at their rooms in Nyngan and Coonamble.Our services:All frame repairsBehavioural optometryCataract assessmentChildrenContact lensesDiabetic eye examinationsDigital retinal imagingEye examinationsForeign body removalGlaucoma testingLaser refraction surgeryOptical coherence tomographer (OCT)Prescription lensesPrescription sunglasses.We are able to provide you with both spectacles and contact lenses; offering an extensive selection of the latest frames and lenses available. Tony and Michael are also experienced in both laser refraction surgery assessments & therapeutics and behavioural optometry.Our services:All frame repairsBehavioural optometryCataract assessmentChildrenContact lensesDiabetic eye examinationsDigital retinal imagingEye examinationsForeign body removalGlaucoma testingLaser refraction surgeryOptical Coherence Tomographer (OCT)Prescription lensesPrescription sunglasses.


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