Bragg About It Landscapes Pty Ltd

Ferny Hills, Queensland, Australia | Landscaping Services


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Efficient personalised service, quality and affordable service, achieve the outcome identified by the client.Bragg About it Landscape offers its Clients a complete service in all aspects of landscape design construction, in addition to and innovative new "Do it Yourself" program. The scope of work undertaken is extensive - ranging from private residential projects, commercial and recreational developments, all varying in size, complexity and budget.SPECIALITYBragg About It Landscapes was established locally in Brisbane in 1992. It is fully licensed for structural landscaping by the QBSA (QLD Building Services Authority) and is a current member of the QMBA (QLD Masters Builders Association).We offer:An analysis of each site in its context ( i.e.. Best use of any existing features, land form etc..). Basic designs, working drawings or detailed plans according to individual requirements and budgets. Explanations of the basic principles required to achieve the desired outcome. Access to resources, materials ( wholesale and retail ).We aim to provide the highest quality materials from reputable suppliers at competitive prices. New products and developments are investigated regularly to identify which are high quality, cost efficient and have minimum impact on the local natural environment.


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