Ellery Brookman Barristers & Solicitors

Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, Australia | Attorney (Legal Services)


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We offer prompt, efficient and cost-effective legal services in Kalgoorlie-Boulder and the Goldfields generally.We believe that legal services should be delivered in regional areas to a standard which is no less rigorous than in Perth, and this region’s people deserve to be able to entrust all of their legal needs to their local legal team. We believe in being approachable, easy to talk to and in being available to our clients when they need us. We value our customers and are committed to excellence.We pride ourselves on being practical and professional as well as approachable. When it comes to commercial matters our commitment is to value-add and save you money. In connection with matters like family law and deceased estates, which are always times of emotional strain, we are committed to easing the burden on you.Our commitment to continual training and development of our staff along with our breadth of experience enables us to offer a consistently top quality service.Our areas of the law include:    Commercial and business law    Family law    Criminal law and traffic charges    Wills, estate planning and deceased estates    Extraordinary driver{s licence applications    Property conveyancing (at settlement agent rates with legal support if needed)    Business sales and settlementsOur goal is to provide a service that will leave you feeling confident you would recommend us to your friends, colleagues or clients, as we understand that it is only through earning the trust, respect and appreciation of our existing clients that we will continue to grow.We are committed to being available when you need us. If you need something done yesterday, let us know. We will help you if we possibly can.


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