Tamar Valley Rose Shop

Launceston, Tasmania, Australia | Florists


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The Tamar Valley Rose Shop has the flowers you need!Established in November 1998, our stores are conveniently located in Launceston City, Mowbray and Legana and we are happy to assist you with all your floral needs. Please feel free to browse through our website, view our portfolio of work, purchase something from our new online store or contact one of our stores directly.Our expertise is in your everyday and special occasion flower requirements, from the arrival of a new baby, through life{s journey of birthdays and celebrations, to the loss of a loved one, The Tamar Valley Rose Shop has the flowers you need.Where Do Our Flowers Come From?We at Tamar Valley Roses are well known for the beautiful cut flower roses we grow. We also grow all the gerberas and anthuriums and some foliage that the shops stock.In addition we buy a number of other cut flowers from Tasmanian growers, liliums from Cradoc, alstroemeria and iris from Forth, tulips (when in season) from Table Cape, freesias and calla{s from Wesleyvale, and chrysanthemum and carnations from further down the Tamar Valley.In addition to these crops, we also bring in some specialty lines from interstate, but we endeavour to buy Tasmanian whenever and wherever we can.


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