Russell Brothers Funeral Directors

Mentone, Victoria, Australia | Funeral Services


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At Russell Brothers Funeral Directors, we also offer pre-arranged funeral services through Australian Unity.Australians of all faiths, ethnicity and backgrounds have trusted us over decades to help and support them with a funeral service when a family member has passed on. You are free to see letters of appreciation from hundreds of them at our office; letters freely sent, not solicited. You will notice frequent references to care, consideration, personal attention and our response to individual needs.Our coffins & caskets are representative of a wide range of choices. They are manufactured using the renewable resources of timbers & materials, except for the Batesville metal range. They are supplied complete with drapery, handles & fittings.Services:Trained staff to organise funeral for city, country, interstate or repatriation overseasLiaise with clergy or civil celebrant and co-ordinate requirementsOrganise church/chapel venue for funeral serviceFacilities and staff to effect movement from home or hospital to our mortuary at any hour of the day or nightFull mortuary preparation of deceased.Prepaid Funeral Plans:All of us at Russell Brothers are keen supporters of people taking personal control of planning & paying for their funerals as it provides you with an element of certainty & peace of mind at a critical point in life when you really want to focus on other matters. Also we have seen so many times how it makes a very stressful time much easier for those left behind.


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