Gerrard Murphy Plumbing
Merewether, New South Wales, Australia | Plumbers (Sales, Services, Repairs)
Gerard Murphy established himself as a Sole Trading plumber in 1965, then being registered as a company, namely Gerrard Murphy (Drainage) Pty Limited which continues to trade under this entity name. During the evolution of this company it has also traded as “Gerrard Murphy Plumbing”, but with the introduction of the internet and registration of domain names brought about the name being shortend to Murphy Plumbing. We trade as this today and have rebranded our operation. With this rebranding came the need for a new “Logo”, namely: “Murphy Plumbing”, It denotes who we are and what we do, making it easy to identify with our customers and within the industry. The logo evolved with the concept of: 1. Maintaining the family name “Murphy”, representing our beginnings and continuation of a 2nd generation family business. 2. Linking the green into the surname for our Irish heritage and also representing the environment.