Bloomers Flower House - The Murray Bridge Florists

Murray Bridge, South Australia, Australia | Florists


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Our range consists of flower boxes, flower bouquets, stick basket arrangements, corporate flowers and weddings.Wendy and Kerry have been professional florists for over 30 years & are very experienced in wedding designs & special occasions. Wendy and Kerry love flowers & create innovative designs, working with their customers to achieve the perfect arrangement for that special occasion. Our speciality is providing the right design for each customer, we excel at wedding bouquets and funeral tributes.Known, locally as the Bloomer Girls of Murray Bridge, Wendy and Kerry are long time locals who have provided the region with spectacular floral designs and arrangements. They were the original owners of Bloomers Florist in Murray Bridge which they sold some years ago. Wendy and Kerry are now working from a new florist studio in Murray Bridge and are able to bring better designs at better prices.


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