Australian Correspondence Schools
Nerang, Queensland, Australia | Education Services (Schools, Tutors)

About ACS Distance Education ACS was established since 1979 Established by John Mason, author of over 50 books, magazine editor; publisher, parks director, university and college lecturer; awarded fellowships by IOH (UK), AIH and PLA (Australia) ACS is an internationally recognised college affiliated with over 18 other post secondary institutions in seven different countries, including both government owned and nationally recognised institutions We offer unique and extensive student services, and a policy that puts the student{s learning experience first Our courses are practical, enabling you to not only develop knowledge, but build the capacity to continue learning after your studies are completed. Our courses are experiential, you learn from ""experts"" by being guided to see, do, think about and experience the things you study.THE SCHOOLEstablished in 1979, ACS Distance Education is a leading Australian Distance Education provider which offers over 600 courses via correspondence, online or on CD. The institution has staff working out of Victoria, S.A. and Qld in Australia; Scotland and England, and N.Z. Offices are located in Australia and the United Kingdom, and ACS courses. Our courses, course notes, and most recommended texts, are all developed by our own staff. These courses are also delivered worldwide through our network of affiliates.ACS has educated over 100,000 full and part-time students, many of whom have gone on to successful employment, both in industry or in their own businesses. Others have used their courses to develop a hobby, or simply broaden their general education. We currently have over 3000 students enrolled from Australia and around the world. The school employs staff in three states of Australia, plus the U.K. and New Zealand. As such our courses and service have a truly global focus. The courses have been developed with strong industry input from around the world and are continually updated on the basis of surveys undertaken by both current students and graduates every month of the year.The school holds high the ideals of practical education, emphasising in all courses those things which are relevant to ""real life"". Courses offered cater for hobby interest through to formal training in industry and the professions.Education PhilosophyWe believe that by providing a different education to main stream vocational colleges and universities, we are able to differentiate our graduates and give them real life advantages over graduates from more traditional institutions.These differences however must be (and are) pursued without compromising academic excellence in any way whatsoever.In principle we tend to favour experiential learning and problem based learning rather than CBT (Competency Based Training).We believe learning is more important than assessment. For us, assessment should be provided more to enhance the learning experience, and less to rank students,