Parramatta City Council Child Care

Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia | Childcare


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Health and Nutritious Meals and refreshments are provided for children during lunch, morning and afternoon tea times.
Located across the Parramatta local government area, Council provides Long Day Care centres which provide children with quality care and learning experiences through a variety of educational programs as well as many social activities to help children develop physical skills, creativity and stimulate their learning development.
Our qualified teachers and child care workers are from a variety of cultural backgrounds and provide excellent care and education for your child’s individual need.

Council supports the provision of quality early learning services and all our centres are licensed and accredited with relevant authorities and meet all national and state standards.

Long day care centres provide a program of care and educational activities for children from birth to school age. They are open for eleven hours per day, five days per week for 49 weeks per year.


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