St. Patrick{s Catholic Church

Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia | Church


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St Patrick’s Parish, Parramatta is known as The Cradle of Catholicism in Australia. Why? Because it has the oldest Catholic Parish School in Australia, the oldest mortuary Chapel, the first convent (Sisters of Charity) was here and the first nun was professed in Parramatta. It’s parish registers are full of pioneer names of both priests and laity.
On 19th April 1803 at Government House Parramatta, Governor King’s proclamation was read to the assembled Catholics permitting Rev Fr Dixon to say Mass on a rotation basis at Sydney, Parramatta and Hawkesbury. Parramatta’s first Mass was said on 22nd May.

In 1820-21, Father J J Therry established a school in Hunter Street Parramatta and there has been a school attached to the parish ever since.On August 17, 2012, Fr. John was appointed Parish Priest of Parramatta and Dean of St. Patrick’s Cathedral by Bishop Anthony Fisher op.


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