Richmond Automotive Car Care Centre
Richmond, Victoria, Australia | Automotive (Sales, Services, Repairs)

Don{t entrust your vehicle to just anyone. The team at Richmond Automotive Car Centre will give your vehicle the care it deserves.Covering anything from car repairs to routine servicing and inspections, our service workshop in Richmond has state of the art facilities and a team of experienced professionals. We work with all make and model vehicles, so whether it{s a Honda or a Holden, we can help. Contact us today for a quote.Your Trusted Service Workshop in RichmondKeeping your vehicle in top condition is our number one goal. We know that putting off repairs and maintenance can not only compromise your safety, but can often cost you more in the long run, so we recommend booking in for a regular service. We care about your vehicle, your safety and your budget, so visit our service workshop in Richmond and have peace of mind knowing you are in good hands.How We Can HelpWe can provide an extensive range of services in Richmond. These are including but are not limited to:General Car RepairsLog Book ServicingBrake & ClutchTransmission & GearboxesRoadworthy Testing (Licensed Tester)LPG Testing (Licensed Tester)RadiatorsAuto ElectricsEngine Reconditioning Sales & ServiceChainsaw Sharpening & Demolition Saws