Gateway Family Church

Seaford, Victoria, Australia | Church


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Taking hold of the real life Jesus gives. We grow people with a passionate concern for all our World.
We express an open, contemporary style of ministry that is open to all who are genuinely seeking spiritual answers. We also encourage followers of Jesus to develop a deeper spiritual connection with God. Our worship style is a blend of modern music, drama, dance, film and other creative arts.
Young People
We have a dynamic all age kids program. During worship Godzone cares for creche and primary school age children. Gateway Youth combines Friday night activities and growth opportunities for high school aged kids, with our annual adventure camp, {Camp No Fear{, which provides teenagers with a positive-life program. Playgroups for pre-schoolers also run mid-week.

Other Activities
Gateway Basketball Association was created to provide all players with the opportunity for personal skill and development, fun and a sense of community in a relaxed, safe and friendly environment. Our theatre company, Gateway Promotions, presents major theatrical events for the community several times a year.


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