Edward (Ted) Bull Funeral Directory

Somerville, Victoria, Australia | Funeral Services


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Our services include secure fixed price, pre-arranged funerals, cremations and burials, with no nasty surprises or hidden extras.Edward (Ted) Bull Funeral Services is a 100% Australian family-owned company that provides exceptional quality funerals at affordable prices.Being an Australian family-owned and operated company allows us to pay special attention to the individual needs of every bereaved family, and conduct our funerals at considerably less cost than larger companies. We offer a friendly and caring service, and we are here to help. Please do not hesitate to call us anytime; our helpful staff are available 24 hours a day.With the grief and confusion surrounding the death of a loved one, families too often make hasty, ill-informed and costly decisions regarding funeral arrangements. Edward (Ted) Bull Funeral Services offers secure fixed price, pre-arranged funerals to prevent such occurrences.ServicesWe understand the painful process of grief, and as such we realise that every family has special and different needs at their time of bereavement.We provide the following services:CremationBurial at all cemeteriesPre-arranged FuneralsPre paid FuneralsSecure Fixed Price Prepaid FuneralsMemorial Services


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