Somerville Florist & Hampers

Somerville, Victoria, Australia | Florists


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About UsSomerville Florist and Hampers, offers a secure online ordering facility using paypal. Established for over 35 years, and with professional experienced floral designers, we ensure that the highest quality and freshness is delivered for you. Simply browse our catalogue and purchase your product by adding to your shopping cart. When you are ready to finalise your purchase please proceed "CHECKOUT". You are required to complete the details on the order page, where you can personalise your order with a card message, or make changes, eg colour or flower choice in the comments box. Please feel free to contact us on(03) 59775884 if you do not wish to purchase online. We accept VISA, Mastercard, or you are welcome to direct deposit. Trading hours are Monday-Friday 9.30-5.00pm Saturday 9.00-Midday 


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