Ashtanga Yoga & Pilates Studio
South Perth, Western Australia, Australia | Coaching (Personal, Sports, Business)

All teachers have been fully trained by Jenny Sherwood who has been working in the fitness industry for 17 years. After extensive training in Sports massage therapy, her teaching embraces the Ashtanga Yoga regime.Having studied with Ashtanga yoga masters including Patabhi Jois (the founder of Ashtanga – Yoga) in a number of countries, and experienced the exacting philosophy and discipline of sivananda yoga in India, she now specialises in Ashtanga Yoga and Pilates.Jenny has appeared on National Television, and has written a range or articles for newspapers and magazines.She has trained men and women of all ages, including many celebrities, and her healing hands have helped numerous clients with back, knee, carpel tunnel and RSI problems. understanding that having a desk job for a big part of ones day, stretching out those sore muscles helps reduce fatigue and produces a healthier life style. The breathing release’s tension and increase’s energy to be able to enjoy a stress free life.