Sydney Holistic Dental Centre

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | Doctor Dentist


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Dr. R Ehrlich/ Dr. J Ehrlich/ Dr. C Wilson,/Dr. YY Teoh
Our aim is to provide the highest standard of treatment in a caring and comfortable environment. There are many links between oral health and whole-body health. At the Sydney Dental Centre, we have been dedicated the last 30 years to improving our patients{ health and wellbeing.
People notice your teeth. A healthy appearance gives you confidence to smile and talk. We can improve your smile. Crowded teeth means that you may not be breathing correctly or chewing your food well. We can improve your health. There are many ways Sydney Dental Centre can help make a difference!

At the Sydney Holistic Dental Centre we take great care to minimise your exposure to this toxic metal and the possible harmful side-effects that may from follow from careless removal of old amalgam fillings. We also take great care in the replacement of these fillings preserving tooth structure and choosing materials which are strong, biocompatible, aesthetic and long lasting.

Nitrous oxide "happy or laughing": It is available in each of our treatment rooms and used for its anaesthetic and analgesic effect i.e. relieving pain and anxiety. It is known as "laughing gas" due to the euphoric effects of inhaling it. It is safe and has no after effects. It helps you relax throughout the treatment.


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