
The wishes of the family and loved ones, always our priority.Local family funeral directors to the Maning and districts, Hutchinson Funerals is capable of catering for the most basic funeral to the most elaborate, Always with the families wants and needs being our priority to arrange a funeral service that honours your loved ones memory.At a Glance    Modern chapel services    24 Hr personalised Service    Pre-paid funerals    non Attendance funeralsOur Caring staff will take care of every detail for you, this leaves you time to concentrate on being with your family at this sad time. We have been family owned and run for 35yrs & continue to offer our services to the families of the manning with dignity and compassion. we will guide your family through the process of arranging a meaningful funeral whilst being mindful of financial restraintsServices We Offer    Transfer of your loved one to our funeral home    Arrangement of The Funeral in our office or at your home    Organise all aspects Of The Funeral Ceremony    Arrangement of all Medical Certificates required.    Dignified Care of your loved one for viewing and funeral    A large range of coffins to choose from to suit all budgets    Use of our onsite chapel    Organisation of  Clergy/Celebrant.    Organisation of Cemetery/Crematorium.    Order of Service Booklets    Funeral Music    Photo Memorial DVDFuneral CostAt Hutchinson Family Funerals we provide pre arrangement and pre payment options with funeral plan management.Pre-arranging/Pre-paying can take the burden of your loved ones at an emotional time, while at the same time locking in a contracted price at todays prices.No Service and No Attendance Private cremation  AvailableBasic Cremation Services available, Conditions ApplyEvening and Weekend Funerals Can Be arranged Conditions Apply


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