Jaclyn Christie Podiatrists

Toowong, Queensland, Australia | Doctor Podiatrist


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Customise Foot Care For You & Your Family. Consider Wellness through Podiatry & Take a Holistic Approach.The Jaclyn Christie Holistic Podiatry & Wellness Centre is a Brisbane Podiatrist centre specialising in finding the links between your bunions, heel, knee, hip & back pain, headaches & your posture. Our focus is to find the missing key that will allow you to balance your body effortlessly. Designing orthotics suiting your needs to achieve this, ultimately relieves discomfort markedly.Want To Understand The Key To Balancing Your Body?Ever wonder why some people seem to be going about life hassle free, have an energy in their stride & appear pain free? We offer a solutions approach that ANALYSES your whole body structure from the ground up!Our approach is not to just deal with your presenting symptoms but to assess your whole body & look for a solution that is right for you. Your feet are one of the most ignored parts of your body....until they go wrong! We aim to help you find the key reason for your pain.Our ServicesJust as your pains have developed in a sequence over the years of your life, it takes time to allow your body to unravel that sequence. The change cannot start until the balance is in place.We{ll assess your body alignment from the ground up through your feet, legs & spine to your head, teeth & back down again to your toes. Looking at:    Whole Body Posture Analysis    General Footcare, Corns, Calluses, Warts    Custom Made Orthotics    Back, Hip, Knee, Leg, Heel & Foot Problems    Emhasis on WellnessTime to Check Your Kids Legs & Feet?The features of the back & knee pain you may be suffering from now can be seen from a very early age.The progression may start with tripping over, awkward running, to heel pain around 9-11 years old, knee pain around age 15 to heel pain from the 20{s & headaches commence around 25 years old when the skull bones start to fuse.We have a unique understanding of children & deliver long term strategies that work in easily with the busy lives of kids today.


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