Kip McGrath Education Centres
Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia | Education Services (Schools, Tutors)

Give your child the confidence to do their best at school by enrolling them in our private tutoring programs.Every child, teenager and adult has the right to reach their full learning potential. With over 190 Kip McGrath Education Centres across Australia, and more than 30 year{s experience, our speciality learning programs are designed to help everyone shine, from pre-schoolers to university students.Kip McGrath Education Centres is proud to be partnered with McGrath Institute of Business Australia (MIBA), which offers business tertiary degrees via an innovative online learning model.SPECIALITYCatering to everyone from pre-schoolers to university students, the Centre{s tutoring programs offer advanced learning strategies, specialist learning skills for those needing a little extra help and motivation to succeed. Progress is always at the student{s own pace and fun is an essential part of our formula.SPECIALITYNow, as part of the company{s future growth plans, and firm belief in making private tutoring available to anyone who needs it, we{re further developing our educational software and will be launching a range of new online learning courses - backed by face-to-face support through our tutoring centres.