Toowoomba Christian Fellowship

Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia | Church


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Toowoomba Christian Fellowship is part of, a nation-wide fellowship of twenty-five churches.
Toowoomba Christian Fellowship is part of, a nation-wide fellowship of twenty-five churches with connections in New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and Pakistan. We are part of a global movement, restoration fellowships international, which seeks a return to the vitality of the early new testament church.
Our roots are in the Pentecostal revival of the early 1900{s, the latter rain movement, as well as the charismatic renewal. Consequently, we believe and practice the baptism of the holy spirit. Like many similar churches, we are a group of spirit-filled believers.

We believe that each member of the body of christ has specific grace and capacity which our leadership is committed to promoting and facilitating. Opportunity is therefore provided for individual members to exercise their spiritual gifts in our gatherings.


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