McDonald O'Brien Plumbing & Air Conditioning
Wangaratta, Victoria, Australia | Heating/Air Conditioning (Sales, Services, Repairs)

We can customise cooling and heating solution to suit any home and budget in Wangaratta & North East Victoria.Installing a split system gives you comfort all year round. McDonald O{Brien Plumbing are able to provide a tailored solution for any home, whether it be something simple as a wall mounted split system, right through to a zoned ducted solution.Plumbing, Air-conditioning, Refrigeration & HeatingWith our showroom boasting one of the biggest working displays of gas log fires in the North East of Victoria, we are able to provide a customized heating solution to suit all budgets and requirements. During winter there is no better place than a warm, cosy and healthy home. Braemar ducted gas heating has been delivering wonderfully warm homes to Australian families for more than 50 years. The latest range of Braemar ducted gas heaters is ideal for families with clean, powerful heating.McDonald OBrien offer a large range of space heaters from famous brands such Rinnai and Braemar. Space heaters come in a variety of configurations to suit your requirements. Rinnai Ultima and Spectrum space heaters can be fitted into an existing chimney and in some cases do not require a flue. They are similar in size and appearance to the older Rinnai and Vulcan space heaters and are quickly and easily fitted when a replacement heater is required the new style Rinnai Energy Saver heaters.Wall Furnaces from Braemar are a cost effective way of heating large areas. Braemar Wall Furnaces are designed to fit into the existing opening of older Braemar and Vulcan Wall Furnaces making installation a relatively quick and simple process. McDonald OBrien plumbing stock a large range of electric panel heaters from NOBO and ELEX / Thermofilm. When sometimes gas isn{t an option, panel heaters provide the perfect cost effective way to heat up areas.