Ultimate Carpet And Tile Care
Winnellie, Northern Territory, Australia | Cleaning Services (Commercial, Residential)

Ultimate Carpet and Tile Care is a Darwin based carpet and tile cleaning service committed to delivering a high standard of quality work. A local Darwin business, we have the qualified staff, equipment and cleaning methods to keep your home or business floors well maintained and looking great. We guarantee our work 1) All Ultimate Carpet and Tile Care Darwin technicians are expertly trained under ACCI standards, and deliver prompt quality service everytime. Using sustainable cleaning methods, professional equipment and a proven seven step cleaning method, we guarantee that you{ll be happy with our work. 2) A Darwin, family run business Guy and Leanne are Darwin Local Business owners that have been in Darwin for 20years whom have Bought this great Carpet Cleaning Business from past local owners Ultimate Carpet Care has been opperating in Darwin for over 23 Years, we provide Quick Professional Service to The Small or Large Client. 3) Tailored cleaning programs The program is based on the needs of the customer, the carpet type and the amount of traffic. Overtime the program may need to be amended this will be assessed at each booking. A calendar is provided with the date and time of servicing and email or telephone courtesy reminders.