
The Chilli Chutney Restaurant located in downtown Brandon is the only one of kind in the city that serves authentic delicious and healthy Indian delicacies. Everything that we prepare in the restaurant is homemade bringing to Brandon the secrets of the Indian cuisine. There is a lot of food variety, from a number of vegetarian dishes to delicious meat delicacies. There are also many regional options that are available to the customers as well so that they are able to experience the richness of South Asian while being in Canada.The food is made from the authentic Indian spices imported from the region to give the customers to true taste of the Indian food. And it is a scientifically proven fact that spices from that region are also good for health. Therefore the customers not only get the taste delicious food, they get it without ever being worry about their health.The restaurant has a friendly and peaceful atmosphere coupled with excellent customer service to make eating experience at The Chilli Chutney even more enjoyable. The food at The Chilli Chutney is prepared by professional chefs with specialities in South Asian delicacies. Therefore you know that the food you are enjoying is the true representation of India. 


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