Kadaizy Flowers & Gifts

Langenburg, Saskatchewan, Canada | Florists


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A mom and a daughter with a dream......and it all became a reality! January 1st, 2004, Kadaizy Flowers and Gifts was created by a duo with strong organizational and creative talents! Jami and Cherryl had a vision for creating a unique gift shop.....and what a better place than highway 16 going through their artsy home town of Langenburg, Saskatchewan!Jami graduated from Commercial Floristry at Olds College in June 1997 and brings creative flair to Kadaizy in floral arrangements and eye catching displays! Cherryl brings over 20 years of strong business skills to Kadaizy and enjoys dabbling in the decorating of the store! Working as a team mother and daughter, Jami and Cherryl create a fun business ideas.


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