Galleria Delvecchio Ancient Art

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada | Antique Shops


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Classical Greek, Roman and Egyptian antiquities a specialty. Antique ancient world art including Pre-Columbian, Chinese, art and antiques from the Far East also offered by Galleria Delvecchio. 											 												 													 														 														"I began collecting in 1992 and developed an obsession  with Classical, Egyptian and Pre-Columbian Art. Over the years I{ve seen  many items on the market sold as authentic artifacts when they were in  fact neither authentic, nor artifacts. The collector assumes all the  risks. I established Galleria Delvecchio to offer my experience and  expertise in creating a thoughtful yet carefree approach to purchasing  authentic ancient art. Furthermore, I am able to draw upon the expertise  of archeologists and curators from both the Royal Ontario Museum and  York University to authenticate the items offered through my Gallery.  Our diligent research enables Galleria Delvecchio to offer an  unconditional "Lifetime" guarantee of authenticity on every artifact. 


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