Bhavans SA Institute of Management
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India | Education Services (Schools, Tutors)

Post Graduate Management Education is all about competencies and capabilities. In a dynamically changing economic scene, the curriculum needs to be continuously kept in pace with the change. This is possible with the flexibility which only PGDM can provide. Reference study materials such as books, case studies, etc. also need to be in tune with the changing needs of the real business world. Faculty need to be fresh with application of new Ideas for the time.Post Graduate Diploma in Management, gives an edge to the students in their career competencies. They need to be more practical, knowledge is to be contemporary and need to up-to-date in their skill-sets besides being open to the realities. PGDM is the answer to these challenges in management education as it can frame its academic programme keeping in pace with the changing paradigms in the business world.This is why the top-notch academic institutions in management education in India choose the PGDM route for their students. All IIMs, leading B-schools like Bhavan’s S.P. Jain Institute of Management, SDM Institute of Management in Mysore, T.A. Pai Institute of Management follow the PGDM route. In view of this Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM), offered by autonomous institutes has today become most sought after and important. Today there are over 378 Institutes in India offering AICTE approved PGDM programme. (click on the box above for details. Visit AICTE website for more information)To give a touch of experiential learning, the Institute will bring to the students, lectures from Industry leaders.Bhavan’s commitment to offer PGDM stems from its belief to provide youth an education that is continuously improved with quality in relation to changing world. An education that is rewarding, sustainable, and universally acceptable. Our PGDM from BSAIM is AICTE approved and recognised for all purposes in India and abroad.