
Sunderdhunga Valley trek is smidgen vivacious when contrasted with Pindari and Kaphini. Sunder Dhunga is arranged toward the west of the Pindar valley. There are two ice sheets to be specific Maiktoli and Sukhram.
Sunderdhunga Valley trek is smidgen vivacious when contrasted with Pindari and Kaphini. Sunder Dhunga is arranged toward the west of the Pindar valley. There are two ice sheets to be specific Maiktoli and Sukhram.
Dhirendra Pant | Support
#Trekveda took cab services of jageshwar travels in the month of june 2022 and did not pay the full amont, 70k was pending. Jageshwar travels believed google listing and thought they are genuine and waited for a month but later when they went to their location suspense unfolded and they got to know this listing is a #fraud and not the right location. This was their address 2years ago and they have long pending dues of their old land Lord who is the owner of #Hardikenterprises, Mr Rautelaji. Owner did inform us that many poor cottage owners and taxi drivers come to their old address which is there on google listing and are not able to find them.Jageshwar travels did spend sometime in their search not only to get their payment back but to also help people who are not able to track them. We did ask #trekveda to mention their correct address of bhaniyawala in the pending payment doc of Jageshear travels but still they added both the addresses. jageshwar travel has the google location of their new listing so if you are someone who has been #tricked by #trekveda call jageshwar travels. Also, help google to correct their listing by sending pics or other proof you have. #Trekveda is a #fraud and #middleman who is able to trick people because they have incorrect verified google listing. Check the new address of bhaniyawala in the attached doc. Call jageshwar travels for details
22 September 2022