Atash Solar Water Heating Systems

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India | Miscellaneous


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We are a 50 years organization. We have been making automobile chemicals since the last 50 years. Since the last 15 years we have started our solar division. In this division we have installed over a thousand "ATASH" Solar Flat Plate Collectors, solar lights and wind mills. However our   main focus remains on solar water heating as it is the only economically viable product in the whole range of solar products. "ATASH" Solar Water Heating Systems are made of the highest quality and are BIS approved carring the ISI mark no. CM/L-7257375. Some of our systems are now over 15 years old and it gives us great pleasure to say they are working trouble free.Energy is a very precious commodity. The exponential growth of population as well as industry has brought about a steady depletion of natural resources. Conservation of energy has thus become the prioritised necessity of the moment. Therefore, all over the world, people are rapidly converting their preferences towards the usage of non - conventional and renewable energy, such as solar energy. Use of solar energy as an environmentally and ecologically viable alternative has been proven to be perhaps the most sustainable and economical option. The usage solar energy not only is beneficial to preserve the natural environment of our world, but it is easily attainable and also the most economically motivating of all the other natural forms of energy.Using solar energy provides an edge over rising costs of electricity. As you must be aware the electricity scenario is very dim. Demand for elecricity all over the world far exceeds supply. The fact is that every year the cost of electricity makes an upward movement. It wouldn{t be an exaggeration to mention that electricity bills quite often determine the profitability of an orginization


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