Castle Hill Furniture Company Limited
Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand | Furniture (Sales, Services, Repairs)

Customised Furniture Crafted With CareWelcome to Castle Hill Furniture Company where we sell direct to you from our showroom or website. Our Display Gallery is next to our workshop in Christchurch where we create furniture for our clients all over New Zealand.Check out our huge range of designs which we feature here but remember we make anything to order! providing it looks good.............we don{t make ugly!!Contemporary, traditional, minimalist, our craftsmen do it all for you. Quality construction, attention to detail, superb finish are our everyday benchmarks."We use Oak, Ash and other woods but our favourite timber is NZ Rimu because it is grown right here - just like us!"Contact us for individual attention to your inquiry. We are easy to deal with and easy to contact by telephone at03 374 5797