Karen Monet Family Law Barrister

Howick, Auckland, New Zealand | Attorney (Legal Services)


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Offices at Howick and Pukekohe.   Weekend appointments.    Separation & Divorce, working through parenting issues, division of property.  Alternatives to going to court.  Are you facing a separation? Have you concerns about arrangements for care  of, or contact with, your children? How will property be shared? Are  you defending a protection order or in need of protection? Need to know  what your options are? Are you looking for a fair and balanced process?   I know that the breakdown of your relationship or any other family  related problem can be extremely difficult and traumatic. No two people,  no two relationships, are exactly the same, so when you contact me you  can expect to be given personalised guidance based on the specifics of  your situation. I{ll work with you to find the best strategy to achieve  your goals. 


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