Russell Cunningham Properties Ltd

Invercargill, Otago, New Zealand | Real Estate


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History shows that many successful business people were visionary and Russell Cunningham fits that category like a"hand in a glove{.  Under the banner R J Cunningham Ltd, previous achievementsare well  documented. Commercial developments such as thetransformation of a  building in Yarrow Street has resulted in Craigs design and print having  a business base to be proud of.  Then there{s the "iconic" new Farmers building in Dee Street. The  list goes on and on. With 36 years experience in the building industry  behind him, Russell is never satisfied and thrives on new challenges,  the latest of which involves the proposed redevelopment of the  Invercargill Showgrounds. Sixty acres of commercial land will be  subdivided intosection sizes as required. No more expansion problems for existing businesses, or those located outside the province"finding a suitable home."  This latest project which will be overseen by Russell Cunningham Properties embellishes Russell{s belief andcommitment to Southland. His continuing desire to see "the City of Water and Light" thrive commercially and itspopulation enjoy the benefits of his labours.   Helping customers achieve their goals is what the company is all about.


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