Annie Meates Barrister & Solicitor

Massey, Auckland, New Zealand | Attorney (Legal Services)


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		 		Annie Meates Barrister & Solicitor- Specialising in Family, Relationship and Property Law.   With over 15 years of experience as a lawyer, Annie{s practice  philosophy is based on a planned approach to achieve the best possible  outcome for her clients. Auckland based, she has also practised in the  legal matters of trusts, commercial and property law.   Annie represents children in the role of Lawyer for the Child as a  court appointed lawyer. As a member of the Family Law Section of the New  Zealand Law Society, she represents clients throughout the greater  Auckland area.   The Family Law services offered include guardianship matters,  adoption, child relocation, domestic violence, divorce, estate  litigation, child support and much more.  Call Annie Meates today or visit her website for more info.		 	


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