
Westgate Dental Centre are newly opened den­tal prac­tice with highly  expe­ri­enced den­tists. Hav­ing over 20 years of expe­ri­ence in  den­tistry, we are able to pro­vide our patients with excep­tional  ser­vice in accu­rate diag­nos­tics and qual­ity treatment.  As well as gen­eral den­tal ser­vices and cos­metic den­tistry we are giv­ing a lot of atten­tion to pre­ven­tive treatments.  We also look after high school chil­dren from year 9 until 18th birth­day free of charge.  Preventive treatments  . Check up . Digital X-ray (shows your scan instantly). Clean and polish (done by hygiene department). Sports mouth guards. Night Splints for bruxism sufferers (grinders). Sensitivity reduction treatment. Fluoride treatments  General dentistry  . Fillings. Extraction. Root Canal Treatment. Mini Implants. Dentures. Periodontal tratment (gum treatment)  Oral Surgery  . Oral Sedation. Wisdom teeth extraction. Surgical Extraction. Pentrox - mild sedaton inhaler available for anxious patients  Cosmetic dentistry  . Opalescence whitening . Invisalign. Veneers. Crowns. Bridges


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