New Lynn, Auckland, New Zealand | Massage Therapists


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Specialising in Pain Relief, Stress management & Exercise Rehabilitation for anyone & everyone.At  Lifestyles Neuromuscular & Massage Therapy, our massage therapists  have been trained at an NZQA approved and accredited educational  facility, or to an equivalent high standard.  Our professional approach means that you can expect to be treated  with honesty, dignity and respect at all times. Your massage therapist  will create a totally confidential treatment plan, specific to your  needs, with the aim of helping you achieve any soft tissue  rehabilitation, recovery or maintenance goals you may have.  PLEASE TEXT: "LIFESTYLES" to 884 for information and be in to WIN.  Services provided include:- Neuromuscular Therapy- Exercise Rehabilitation- Therapeutic Massage- Sports Massage- Relaxation Massage- Aromatherapy Massage- Hot Stone Massage- Pregnancy Massage- Manual Lymphatic Drainage- Bach Flower Remedies- GIFT VOUCHERS  Please visit our website, email us or call us for more detailed information.


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