Bring It On Cleaner NZ
Pukekohe, Auckland, New Zealand | Cleaning Services (Commercial, Residential)

WE OFFER A SHOWER RESTORATION SERVICE. WE CAN CLEAN YOUR GLASS SHOWER DOORS BACK TO NEW! GUARANTEED!!We take pride in doing a job you hate to do. Save hundreds of dollars on replacing glass.Our specialised service is available for removal of hard water spots, calcium & lime deposits, soap scum & stains from....**Shower Glass & Tapware**Glass Pool Fences**Glass Balustrades**WindowsWe also sell Bring It On Cleaner and Protect Shield Sealant, so check our website to purchase online or to find out where else you can purchase this amazing product.Products and specialitiesBring It ON! It Really Works! Water Spot Remover,Pro-Tect Shield Water Spot Repellant,Professional shower and glass cleaning service available also