McGregors Bakery

Wanaka, Otago, New Zealand | Bakery


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Not to blow our own trumpet, but I just thought we should explain that McGregor’s is no flash in the pan.

McGregor’s is as old as the hills. We have been around for donkey’s years.

Back at the turn of the century, the McGregor lads realised with a stroke of genius that a good way to keep themselves full of tucker was to start baking.

While they might have been a bit green behind the ears to start with, the pair of them soon took to it like a duck to water and have been rattling up smoko’s and square meals since my Nana was knee high to a grasshopper.

When kiwi’s started polishing off their tucker like a bat out of hell, they soon realised this was no half baked idea, and started making up all sorts of fan dangled ideas and blow me down if it hasn’{t been a success ever since.

McGregor’s now has a brand spanking new bakery in Wanaka, a stone’s throw from the main drag, producing real choice baked goods, and helping to keep kiwi slang alive!


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