Kitchen Cabinets and Beyond
Anaheim, California, United States | Doors/Windows (Sales, Services, Repairs)

Kitchen Cabinets & Beyond is a reflection of both the passion and sincerity of its owner, Emad Kloub. Nature blessed him with an especially fine eye for spotting design opportunities in home interiors to enrich their looks and functionality; discipline and training gave him the skills to translate those opportunities into accomplishments. Yet he always remembers that his first responsibility is to fulfill the wishes of the people who live in the home: “I am not a salesman,” he says. “I am a designer, somebody you invite into your home and trust to analyze your tastes, desires, and needs for improving a living space, whether it is a kitchen, a bathroom, an alcove, a foyer, or any other area of the home. I’m somebody you trust to take in all the little details, to recognize what it is that makes your personal style unique, and to connect in a way that I am able to be your instrument for making the dreams you have for your home come true. I love what I do, and I take it very seriously.