Katie Hartman, Licensed Esthetician

Ashland, Oregon, United States | Health Care Treatment


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katie@naturalpureskin.comMy initial inspiration for becoming an esthetician was born (unknowing)India while studying yoga and Ayurveda.  During this transformative time of my life Ireceived a facial where the vegetable, fruit and herb ingredients were alchemicallyprepared in their raw form and applied directly to my skin.  This experience left meamazed at how sensationally alive and vibrant my skin felt.  Fast forward four yearswhen I met Margret Skarin of The Body Deli in Palm Desert.  I found her storycompelling; The Body Deli was essentially conceived after her struggle with a severeauto-immune disorder which left her unable to work with conventional estheticproducts.  She developed The Body Deli products which are raw and all organic; thisenabled her to continue her work as an esthetician without the side effects of usingunnatural and overly processed products.   I was pregnant at the time and informedby my holistic lifestyle I was conscious of what I put into my body and how it wouldaffect, not just my skin, but the other systemic processes responsible for keepingmyself and my unborn child healthy.          


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