Fleming's Cleaning Service
Auburn, Massachusetts, United States | Cleaning Services (Commercial, Residential)

Fleming{s Cleaning Service has been serving businesses from Worcester County to Boston and all points in between since 1997. We are fully insured and bonded and have a staff of highly trained and supervised individuals. We offer a flexible cleaning plan that is designed to meet both the client{s cleaning needs as well as their budgets. Whatever your type of business, office/commercial, industrial, institutional, medical or educational, Fleming{s works with you to solve all of your cleaning needs. We realize no one knows you business and its needs better than you.Fleming{s Cleaning Service offers unsurpassed service in all types of Commercial-Industrial-Institutional-Medical-Educational facilities. Nightly, weekly or monthly, Fleming{s can provide a service plan that is both economically sensible as well as task specific to the needs of your company.