Amazing Pet Grooming

Austin, Texas, United States | Pets


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We specialize in hand scissoring which has become an almost lost art among the average groomer.  It is easier to shave it all off than put the work into having a poodle look like a poodle or a Portaguese Water Dog look like its breed.   A Bichon Frise should be scissored to look like a Bichon.  Even if the body is taken short say one-half an inch, the classic Bichon head piece should not look like a poodle head or a "Teddy Bear" head.  There are many breeds which benefit from the hand scissoring techiques such as the Bedlington Terrier, the Kerry Blue Terrier, the Portaguese Water Dog, the Poodle of all sizes, the Doodle, and  the Bichon.


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