Crow Hill Bible Church

Bailey, Colorado, United States | Church


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Crow Hill Bible Church (CHBC) is a member of Converge Worldwide (a.k.a.. Baptist General Conference) and Converge Rocky Mountain. We were started in 1983 as a small Bible study hosted by Dawson McAlister and Ken Evens. the latter, Ken Evans, became its first pastor. CHBC is currently in a growing pattern. Having been less than 40 people in 1996, it is now experiencing more people engaging in its life and mission.Crow Hill Bible Church is that "Bubble Church" in Bailey where we love to worship our Lord Jesus Christ, hear from God{s word, and connect together in caring relationships.  Our ministry is for the whole family and we{d love to have you visit in person next Sunday. Worship times are at 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Bible Classes are at 9:50 a.m.


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