
Berean Baptist Church had its beginnings when the people of Pimlico saw the need for the religious teachings of their children.  So, they formed a Sunday School under the locust tree on Denmore Avenue in the summer of 1916.  Persons in attendance brought chairs from their nearby homes or just sat on the grass, oblivious to the discomfort they experienced and kept their minds focused on the religious activities.When the weather began to turn cold, the need for a building to continue this work was apparent. Thus, a house was rented at 5200 Denmore Avenue.  It was here in March 1917 that The Berean Baptist Church was founded, with the help of the late Reverend William Alexander who was the pastor of Sharon Baptist Church.  Reverend Alexander preached the first sermon, gave the church its name, and made it a part of Sharon Baptist Church until a minister was secured.The founders of Berean were Sister Martha Banks, Deacon William Booker, Sister Mane Edwards, Rev. Sidney J. Edwards, Sr., and Deacon Earlie G. Lane, Sr.  All of the founding members have gone on to be with the Lord. In September 1917, the first pastor, Reverend Sidney J. Edwards was called to lead the church.  Under his leadership the building at 5202 Denmore Avenue was acquired.  The church was also used as a school for the children of the community until the School Board of Baltimore could have one erected.  One source has stated that the church received about $200.00 per month plus coal for heating purposes from the School Board as compensation for use of the facilities.


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