Grandfather Mtn. Nursery Garden Center
Banner Elk, North Carolina, United States | Landscaping Services

10 miles South of Boone on Hwy. 105. Complete Garden Center, Landscape Design-Build, Installation, Maintenance and Consultations. Garden Center Features Finest Selections of Dwarf, Rare, and Unusual Shrubs, Trees, and Perennials. Certified Snow Plowing Professionals. NC Certified Commercial Pesticide Licenses - 3 on staff, Nationally Certified Landscape Technician (CLT), Professional Landcare Network (PLANET). NC Master Gardener Volunteers, 2 On Staff. Nationally Certified Proven Winners Garden Center, Member: Landscape Grounds Management Association of North Carolina. Member: North Carolina Association of Nurserymen, Member: Snow and Ice Management Association (SIMA). Area{s oldest family and locally owned and operated business since 1976. Come out and see the areas own "Garden Goddess", Theresa Ozdemir. Offering garden tips weekly during gardening season on local television channel 18. For landscaping inquiries only, please email us at