Oxy Hydro-Gen Generator
Bear Valley Springs, California, United States | Automotive (Sales, Services, Repairs)

(Tiaano®) is having the object to serve for UTILITY segments in worldwide, focusing on Electricity, Water and Fuel burning by using Green energy products, made from titanium, tantalum, niobium, zirconium, nickel, platinum, ruthenium, iridium & their alloys and composite metals.Design, Manufacturing & Installing Oxy-Hydrogen generators and promote the product in the brand name of Hydro-Gen for the better combustion of fuels in IC engines, burners and emission free welding, cutting & polishing of many metals. More details can be had from the website link www.watercar.inTiaano Design, Manufacturing & Installing ‘COMPTNK’, a factory moulded composite underground storage tank. More details can be had from the website link www.fibtec.net